Tuesday, January 27, 2009

proper introductions

greetings, our fellow InterVarsity members!
we thought it might be nice to properly introduce the new members of our 2009 e-board.
here's what we've got to say:

administrator - tamaria (tammy) r. chan
hello, everyone! i'm excited to serve as your new administrator this year. i'm already starting to feel the weight of the mountain-load of administrative duties that i know will only get heavier as the year goes on, but it's a challenge from God that i'm willing take on. i realize He's been teaching me so much and has been shaping my character in a way i never thought i'd be molded in preparation for placing the e-board administrator position in my hands. so i know that He'll continue to work in me and through me as i serve Him and serve all of you. however, because i am a work in progress, i hope you'll all be patient with me and try to keep me accountable for my actions and words as i know i am not perfect and will make mistakes. i could always use constructive feedback, fresh ideas, and a good push in the right direction. i am not above any of you because as a fellowship we serve our God together. i can't do anything without God and i can't do anything well without all of you coming alongside of me as a partner.

some fun facts about tammy:
-i really enjoy having company over!
-i am going to try to keep the cookie jar in my room filled with goodies
(not this week, though)
-i've always wanted to write and publish a novel.
-i once took a bite of a sugar daddy candy and took it out of my mouth to find a loose tooth suddenly freed from my gums and attached to the candy.
-i really like blogging. http://writeawaywithme.blogspot.com

small group coordinator - matthew j. tuttle
Hallo! Wie geht es euch? I am Matthew Tuttle and I am super stoked to serve as your Small Group Coordinator! Small Groups have been a huge part of my spiritual growth since I came to Binghamton, so it feels awesome to be able to give back and serve my brothers and sisters in the same way I have been served. I have led small groups for two semesters, my first being a men's group (with my current SGC partner) in CIW and my second being a co-ed group in Newing last semester. (I will be leading again this semester.) I've have gained invaluable experience, had a lot of fun, and not stopped learning since I began leading. God has been faithful in teaching me, inspiring me, and convicting me, and I have done my best to remain faithful to His call.

some fun facts about Tuttle:
-I blog more than tammy does : http://semioticsofstability.blogspot.com
-I am not as obsessed with high school musical as people think i am.
-I have four sisters with 20 years between the youngest and oldest.
-I have never met anyone famous. Except for Greg Jao.
-My secret dream job is celebrity blogger.

small group coordinator - michael leung
whoa whoa whoa. My name's Mike as you guys can all read above. I'll also be serving as a Small Group Coordinator in conjunction with Matt this year. I've been super excited for the direction that God is leading our fellowship for this upcoming year. One of my favorite things about small groups is that its a medium for which college students can meet together to discuss spiritual issues and biblical passages with one another in an environment that challenges members to take further steps in their faith. The small group ministry has been an invaluable place where I was able to grow more in my faith in a community that shared Christ's love. I also found that my learning experiences have multiplied exponentially since I started leading small groups (so if any of you want to grow your faith, consider small groups!). I'd love to have a conversation with you guys at any time, so please feel free to just talk to me whenever you see me.

some fun facts about mike leung:
-i'm still scared of the dark (basements, attics, and empty floors are a no-go)
-i rarely drive 5 mph more than the speed limit ('cause i'm paranoid)
-my comfort food is ramen (preferably the korean kinds)
-i really don't like blogging (don't expect too many posts written by me alone)
-i don't watch tv (the one in my dorm room is put to waste)

large group coordinator - gary chow
Hi guys! So... i'm the large group coordinator. What i envision for large groups this semester is a place where newcomers feel welcome and community is built but most importantly, a place where people feel challenged every week. i envision people always leaving one step closer to God than when they came in. We will be focusing on "The Core of Christianity" this semester so i really hope people learn to build a strong foundation. This semester, i'm working with awesome large group committee so i'm really, REALLY excited to see what this we can do this semester. =]

some fun facts about gary chow:
-I really don't like to blog...but i have one
- I enjoy commercials more than other people (The rollover "milky" minutes...HILARIOUS)
-After I graduate, i'm going to try out for American Idol
-I am a very neat eater. I prepare my food before eating it...which is why i eat slowly
-Weirdest nicknames ever? Chowderpuff or Quanell