Can you believe it's been a month since Basileia?
Take a moment, a deep breath. Reflect on this past month. Has it gone fast or slow? Haveyou been busy? How much time this past month have you spent working? Hanging out? Sleeping? Now, how much of that time have you spent with God?
If you're anything like me, then that last question was not a pleasant one to answer. At Basileia, you may have made big promises, committed to do things, or welcomed new practices into your life that haven't really materialized since you've come home. Personally, I'm one of those people who can barely remember to take my contacts out at night, so remembering to pray before I go to bed or spending some quiet time with God are not things that I find it easy to commit to.
Coming home, you may find that you don't have a lot of emotional or spiritual support. You may have trouble finding a church like the one you have in Binghamton, or you may be realizing how vital small gruop or large group was to your spiritual well-being. It's possible that you feel lonely, unsupported, or even backslidden.
Now here's the good news: Jesus Christ is Lord of all, seated at God's right hand, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given. And no amount of backsliding, broken promises, discouragement, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God.
So what do you do? Summer is nowhere near over! That means that there's no reason to give up hope. Here are some things that might help:
- Before waking up at 11am and staying up until 3am becomes too habitual, set up a time and place for you to spend time with God. It doesn't need to be fancy, just you, God and a Bible. Try it out. :]
- If you haven't started reading the books you bought, do it now! If you didn't buy any books and are regretting that decision, here are some suggestions: Out of the Saltshaker and Into the World and Jesus Without Religion.
- If you need to, confess and repent. If you've found yourself back in a place where you didn't want to be, or you're facing new challenges since you've been home, then give it to God. Remember that sin has been conquered and that as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
- Keep in touch with people from IV! For those of us who don't live in the city, this may not be as easy, but it doesn't hurt to drop a line or facebook some of your friends from school. Let them know what's up, keep them updated on what's going on in your life and see how they're doing. Pray together.
In Him,
Matthew Tuttle
.5 Small Group Coordinator
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