Has your conscience ever been a little uncomfortable when, after a large group where we talk about participating in Social Justice, you go out to BJs & Bubble Tea, Applebee’s, Texas etc… and spend way more then you want on food you don’t need? Or do you feel left out after Large Group because your new and never know where the fellowship is going, or know you can’t afford to go anyway?
We want to be able to be able to enjoy each others’ company on Friday night after large group, with out excluding people, and with out spending tons of money that will not end up going to Kingdom work. Good Stewardship Dinner or GSD (better name suggestions are welcome) is an answer to this dilemma that we are going to be trying out this Friday, October 3rd.
This is what it is going to look like. This Friday after Large Group we are going to have a ministry fair for kids who did not go to Chapter Retreat from 9:00-9:45ish, and at 9:45 we are going to start loading cars to head to Good Shepherd Church 74 Conklin Ave, Binghamton. Instead spending your usual $5-20 at a local restaurant, we are going to charge $7 for a simple yet delicious spaghetti dinner that a group of kids from the fellowship will have prepared. From 10:00-11:30pm we will hang out at church and have dinner and fellowship together before returning to campus.
This will be a conscious decision on our parts as individuals and as a community to do something perhaps a little less chic then going to a restaurant, so that we can steward our money better for God’s purposes. For this GSD we are going to be giving all the proceeds to Love146 (formerly the JFCI) to support their work providing aftercare and therapy for young girls who have been rescued from forced prostitution in
If you always hang out with the fellowship after large group, we ask that you set your plans firmly on GSD this Friday. If you have never hung out with fellowship kids after large group, this would be a great week to start! You will be able to sign up for a ride at Large Group, but please be sure to join the face book event page (LINK HERE) and RSVP just so we have an idea of how many rides and how much food we will need. This might also be a good event to invite friends who can’t make it or don’t feel comfortable attending large group.
If you have any questions, comments, ideas, concerns or questions, leave them here, or let me (Katy, kmcfadde@hotmail.com) know.
We hope that you are excited for this, and that we will see you Friday night with $7 cash!
In Christ