Friday, October 9, 2009

Large Group: Community

Speaker: Brian Murphy from Union Christian Center Church

  • The idea of an isolated person is not Biblical.
  • Does that mean I can't do anything alone?
  • There are some things you need to conquer, but you don't have to do it alone.
  • We want to do thing linearly - "Well, if we get this done first, then we can do this..."
  • Are we talking about outreach or inreach tonight? The answer is...YES.

  • There are two kinds of need people:
  • Need anorexic --> we don't need anything from anyone
  • Need obese --> we need everything from everyone
  • And we go back and forth between these.

  • A healthy need: time heals nothing (old wounds)
  • It makes you numb but it doesn't make you feel loved.
  • How can I have healthy relationship and have a healthy need?

Monday, July 20, 2009

Mid-Summer Checkpoint (Steve)

So July already more than half over, and in six weeks we'll be back at school. I don't know about you guys, but that blows my mind.

Upon realizing this, I wish I could say I was filled with excitement and enthusiasm in anticipation for the semester to come. Going over in my mind the plans that eboard has made, the courses I will be taking, my new house and housemates, I simply just can't wait to be back in glorious Binghamton. Absorbing the wisdom and knowledge of higher education. Reuniting with the closest of friends. Soaking in the beautiful summer sun on the softball fields. And above all, diving into the center of God's work on the campus through InterVarsity.

That's what I wish I could say. In all honesty, what I actually felt was nothing like that. Perhaps maybe the exact opposite. There was no excitement. When I realized that there was only 6 weeks left in the summer, I felt...blah.

There was a sense of confusion. Somehow, I didn't really believe that the summer is already more than half over. As if the mundane routine into which my summer has diminished blinded me from looking ahead, leaving me devoid of an accurate sense of time.

There was a sense of failure. I haven’t accomplished what I had hoped to this summer.

Upon realizing that summer had only 6 weeks left, I felt pretty crappy. I was disappointed in how the summer was going so far, and I wasn't excited to start the semester again in the fall.

And then I realized why.

It had been weeks since I've prayed. A real prayer, not a "Thank you God for the food" but an honest heart-to-heart talk with God.
It had been weeks since I've opened my Bible. And read it. Aside from the Scripture readings at church on Sundays.
Even on Sundays, worship has felt empty.

I've allowed myself to drift away from God, even for the span of just a few weeks. I've allowed myself to become lazy, spending way too much time playing video games. I've succumbed to the lies that Satan has been feeding me, and have lost sight of the God who gives me life.

The truth is, we are most vulnerable during the summer, and Satan hits us hard. The summer gives us a false sense of time, that we have so much of it, even when we're busy with jobs or classes or whatever. We become lazy. We become apathetic.

I don't know if you're in the same boat as me, but whatever boat you're in, remember God.
Remember the sacrifice that was made on the cross, and that He did it out of love.
Remember the new life that we have in Him.
Remember the desire he has to simply talk to us, to be in relationship with us.
Remember those who don't know Him, and how it breaks God's heart so deeply.
Remember that He has a plan for us, greater than any plan we can come up with for ourselves.
Remember that power He has to transform our lives for the better.
Remember the power He instills in us to be agents of change in the world we live in.

God never intended for us to lead a dull and mundane lifestyle.
There's enough time left this summer to turn things around if you need to.

Now I am starting to get excited. I can't wait to join with you all again in the fall, to dive headfirst into the work that God has prepared for us, and to continue living our lives in a manner that is worthy of the calling He has given us. Get ready. Before you know it, we’ll be back at school again.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Where are you now? (tuttle)

Hey Fellowship,

Can you believe it's been a month since Basileia?

Take a moment, a deep breath. Reflect on this past month. Has it gone fast or slow? Haveyou been busy? How much time this past month have you spent working? Hanging out? Sleeping? Now, how much of that time have you spent with God?

If you're anything like me, then that last question was not a pleasant one to answer. At Basileia, you may have made big promises, committed to do things, or welcomed new practices into your life that haven't really materialized since you've come home. Personally, I'm one of those people who can barely remember to take my contacts out at night, so remembering to pray before I go to bed or spending some quiet time with God are not things that I find it easy to commit to.

Coming home, you may find that you don't have a lot of emotional or spiritual support. You may have trouble finding a church like the one you have in Binghamton, or you may be realizing how vital small gruop or large group was to your spiritual well-being. It's possible that you feel lonely, unsupported, or even backslidden.

Now here's the good news: Jesus Christ is Lord of all, seated at God's right hand, far above all rule and authority, power and dominion, and every title that can be given. And no amount of backsliding, broken promises, discouragement, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God.

So what do you do? Summer is nowhere near over! That means that there's no reason to give up hope. Here are some things that might help:

  1. Before waking up at 11am and staying up until 3am becomes too habitual, set up a time and place for you to spend time with God. It doesn't need to be fancy, just you, God and a Bible. Try it out. :]
  2. If you haven't started reading the books you bought, do it now! If you didn't buy any books and are regretting that decision, here are some suggestions: Out of the Saltshaker and Into the World and Jesus Without Religion.
  3. If you need to, confess and repent. If you've found yourself back in a place where you didn't want to be, or you're facing new challenges since you've been home, then give it to God. Remember that sin has been conquered and that as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.
  4. Keep in touch with people from IV! For those of us who don't live in the city, this may not be as easy, but it doesn't hurt to drop a line or facebook some of your friends from school. Let them know what's up, keep them updated on what's going on in your life and see how they're doing. Pray together.
That's all I have for now. Hope everyone's summer is going well!

In Him,
Matthew Tuttle
.5 Small Group Coordinator

Monday, June 1, 2009

no, basileia was not a dream! (tammy)

aaaannnddd we're back!

i know it's been a couple of weeks since returning from our adventures at saranac lake, but let's not forget what we've learned. now that you've had several days to let it sink in, let's live out what He has shared with us that week. you may need more time to mull over it, but here are some ways that can help us continue to remember the things God has revealed to us:

  1. I know this may sound weird, but write a letter to yourself.

    Write to yourself about your experience at Basileia, not necessarily the things you did, but the things that God spoke to you about, and how He revealed those things to you.

    Write about your hopes, your excitement, your plans, and what you took away from that week.

    Keep it in a safe place or give it to a friend to hold on to it.

    Bring it to school with you in August so you could read it again as the semester craziness begins.

    I'm working on this one. But I'm going to do it and maybe mail it to myself.
  2. ACTUALLY read the books you bought from basileia!

    If you didn't buy some books from the bookstore because you wanted to buy them online, please order them!

    If you bought a book to give to someone you had in mind, make sure you give it to them ASAP.

    Read at your own pace. It's okay if you're a slow reader like me or a super fast one like Pam, just as long as you're reading!

    Try reading a chapter or section of the book and then pray about it. If you want, try journaling about it, or blog about it, or talk to someone about it, or something. Make something of what you learn and share it.

    Find someone or a group of people who bought the same book as you and read it "together." You don't have to literally read it together. Just read the same section and then talk about it. That person can also hold you accountable to reading it.

    I'm currently reading "Invitation to Solitude and Silence," by Ruth Haley Barton and God knows it's just what I need. Mike Leung supposedly is reading another book and then we're supposed to switch eventually. Unless Carrie finds her copy first :]

  3. Find a prayer partner to pray regularly with you this summer!

    Pray on a regular basis - it could be everyday, every week, every two weeks. Just make sure you are consistent and diligent in doing it. But don't let it become a chore! It's definitely a spiritual discipline.

    Share with each other your burdens, desires, praises, requests, or just anything God puts on your hearts. Listen to each other, and challenge each other as well.

    Pray specifically and with faith.

    Pray for the upcoming semester.

    Pray for the 14,000+ students we need to reach at Binghamton University.

    Pray for our fellowship and for growth (deeper in His Spirit and higher in numbers!) and that we would be the impact on campus we always say we want to be.

    Memorize verses with your prayer partner and pray from Scripture as well!

    I've prayed with Karen every night so far (ooh, except one!) this week, and it has definitely been a blessing. I have faith that God hears us, and will answer us in His time and in His own ways (He's already done so!). But that doesn't mean we know everything about prayer, or that we're super savvy prayer warriors. We're learning, too.

  4. I know we've learned tons of things, but what's ONE thing you can take away from Basileia?

    Write it on a post-it or piece of paper, or make something that'll remind you of it, and put it somewhere where you'll see it every day.

you can always leave a comment or email if you'd like us to help you out in any way to live out and take action on what we've learned for this summer, and to prepare you for the semester to come.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

what's going on with our money? (tammy)

hello, brothers and sisters!

I am putting on my treasurer's hat and will use this blog entry as an FAQ for a few of the financial issues that have been going on this semester. If you have any other questions or concerns, leave a comment or email me at

What are some of the treasurer's responsibilities?
  • Take an open book exam & practical exam from studying the treasurer's handbook provided by the SA

  • Handle all financial forms and procedures related to the SA chartered group (fundraiser prior approval forms, budget request form, budget appeal form, religious prior approval forms, prior approval forms, vouchers for reimbursements, etc.), of which there are MANY.

  • Keep a tight record of all expenses and income

  • Take care of fundraisers

  • Fill out all forms in an efficient, proper manner

  • Attend all treasurers' meetings

  • Keep track of allotted SA account
  • Check the IVCF SA mailbox every day
I never really heard much about our group's money before. Why are there all of a sudden so many issues with our SA account?
  • With our group growing tremendously, we need the funds so we can afford to hold events, reach out to our campus, and tell others about the gospel and about our group in creative ways without having to reach into our pockets.

  • In the past, our group has been wary about SA finances and have been taking care of IVCF's account with as little SA involvement as possible. We'd like to take more of a stand and build a good financial account and relationship with the SA.
What's the difference between a "budget appeal" and a "budget request"?
  • The budget request happens every spring semester, where the treasurer has to fill out a form, requesting the SA to allocate money for our fellowship for the entire next school year.

  • After the request approval, the SA gives a date, time, and place where the e-board has five minutes to present their case to the Vice President of Finance (VPF) and Financial Council (FinCo) of why they should be given a certain amount of money, and five minutes of Q & A.

  • After all the student groups have presented, the VPF and FinCo allot budgeted amounts to each group and posts it up in the SA office.

  • A student group can then make a budget appeal to argue what the VPF and FinCo allotted to request more money. the process is the same as that of a budget request except the group is given three minutes to present and three minutes of Q & A

How much money did we receive from the SA for this entire 2008-2009 year?

How much money did we receive from the SA for the entire 2009-2010 year?

How much money do we have in our account now?

Right now we have $2,630 in our account because all expenses from this semester have not been subtracted. We accumulated funds from our service auctions and rollover money from last spring.

Why is it taking so long for my reimbursements to come back to me?

This is how the process works:

  • A religious prior approval form for the expense has to be submitted.

  • The treasurer has to wait for that form to be approved by the VPF, who goes through these forms once a week.

  • Once those approval forms are approved, the treasurer needs to fill out a voucher form.

  • The voucher then has to have the receipts attached, with the signature of the person being reimbursed.

  • Then after the voucher and form are submitted, the treasurer has to wait for the yellow slip to be in the IVCF mailbox to then tell the person that he/she has to pick up the check from the Couper Administration Building or have it sent to them to receive their reimbursement check.

What are the plans for our 2009-2010 year?

Right now I don't have details, but here are a few general things/ideas:

  • There will definitely be a system/process set up so that I can keep control of the expenses of our group. It will probably be a form that people will have to fill out for me before they buy something.

  • I will probably hold office hours next semester (so cool, right? I know! It was Carrie Moorhead's idea) so that I can make myself available to the fellowship members, answer any questions, and set aside some time for me to focus on just fulfilling some administrative duties.
  • I will meet with the new VPF to talk about our shaky financial standing and how we can get onto a path of good financial standing.

Once I figure out some more details and processes, I'll post them up.

I hope this was helpful!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Living Purposefully - Katy

Hello Fellowship!

As March and housing sign ups rapidly approach, and the phrase "intentional housing" sweeps through the fellowship, I wanted to add new something to the conversation. While I believe more strongly than most that it matters who with and where you chose to live next year, even more important than that is how you chose to live in your current resident this year. No sense in moving across campus to reach such and such a dorm, when you never bother to care for the dorm where you live currently. Please do keep praying and thinking about where God would like to use you next year, but for this semester, try some of the following tips, and walk in Jesus' footsteps of living with the people you are reaching out to.

Tip 1. Do you have a door on your room? (I bet you do!) Make sure to print the Large Group flyer that is sent out weekly and post it on your door. Go the extra step and ask your RD for permission to put it on the bulletin boards around your dorm. If you live on the first floor, consider putting up IV advertisements in your window.

Tip 2. Another door suggestion. Keep it open!! While obviously if your h- core studying, sleeping, changing etc… you will want your privacy, but when you’re just chilling in your room, try leaving your door open. It might feel weird for a while, but it gives an open invitation to your hall mates to pop in, say hi, and chat. Unless you are all about door to door evangelism, it’s from these casual interactions that relationships will be formed, and opportunities to share the gospel arise.

Tip 3. Oh! Be careful little ears what you hear. Now that you have your door open during your chill time, people will probably be able to hear the music you’re chilling to (or in my case; singing, very very loudly.) Think about how the music we listen to/ belt out in the shower reflects your life, your faith and your God. This does not mean you can only listen to praise and worship, or even Christian music. (Both work. I’ve gotten the opportunity to share the Gospel with an acquaintance because she asked me about a worship song I was singing when I was washing my hands after going to the bathroom. I’ve also shared the Gospel with two friends when I was in high school illustrating different biblical truths with Bright Eye’s quotes. (Coincidentally, that conversation also happened in a bathroom....)) Point is, that nothing is not spiritual, and the music we listen to needs to reflect that. If you are listening to music that you know God isn’t down with, cut it out.

Tip 4. Assoxinate!! If your building does assoxination or another building wide game, participate! You will get to know people, have fun, and support your res life staff.

Tip 5. Go to programs your RA offers. Even if no one else goes, your RA needs Jesus too, and s/he will love you for coming out!

Tip 6. Do you have international students on your hall? Its never too late to start a friendship with them. Stop and chat with them, offer to correct an English paper, have them teach you something from home. (Or try to teach you… I still have no idea how to play that Korean tile game (Go Stop) even after watching them for an hour or so.) If your hyphenated nationality is the same as theirs (aka they are Korean international students, and you are Korean-American) use your hyphenatedness to its fullest!! I don’t really know what that might look like, but my guess is that you have something unique to offer them being a part of both cultures.

Tip 7. Happy Holidays!! For 3$ at Wal-Mart you can buy enough holiday themed lollipops/ nerds/ pixy stix/ what have you for every one on your hall. Buy some and go to door handing them out. You’ll get to familiarize your self with your hall mates, and a permanent reputation for being “nice.” (Nicenice isn’t straight up evangelsim, but it is a good first step.)

Tip 8. Next time your at Wal-Mart, invest (don’t steal from the dinning hall!!) in some bowls, forks/ chopsticks, salt& pepper, and easy mac and cup ramon. Next time your chilling with your door open, and you over hear a hall mate complaining “Im SOOOO hungry right now!” stick you head out and say, “Hey, ________________, I just over heard you say you were hungry. I’ve got some easy mac and cup noodles if you want some.” Lots of times they will say yes, and then you have an insta conversation the 3 minuets it takes to cook the food. Even if they think your weird for asking, it’s the “nice” weird, which sounds like a pretty good description for a Christian to have. It was over easy mac my freshman year that I got to share my faith with my pledging neighbors.

Tip 9. Next time you’re at Wal-Mart, invest in a soup cup or two, and a couple cans of Cambell’s soup. Next time your chilling in your room with the door open and hear your hall mate’s nasty cough, you can heat them up/ bring them soup. If you wanted to go the extra mile, you can buy the little packs of tissues and or cough drops at Wal-Mart or the dollar store and give them those too. They will love knowing you care! (Even if again, they think you’re a little weird.)

Tip 10. Next time you do laundry, bring some reading down with you and stay with your stuff. Not only is this a good idea in light of past cases of laundry room vandalism, but others who stick around too are usually up for conversations, and you can meet people who live on different floors.

Try these out, talk to your hitches about what your doing or if you have more ideas, and if something cool happens, post it as a comment!

Much Love

-Katy McFadden, Out Reach Coordinator

what is a HTCH and what does that have to do with me?

hi guys, tammy here.

for those of you who missed our town hall meeting on valentine's day, here's a chunk of what we talked about:

imagine if all the IVCF members were uprooted and disappeared from the binghamton university campus.

do you think anyone would miss our presence on campus?

the things we've been doing on campus have been great. we've begun to see the lives of our fellow classmates, roommates, floormates, and other people on campus slowly (and sometimes quickly) transform.

but are our transformed lives making an impact on this campus? because if they aren't, then how can God use us to renew the campus?

most of you know that there has been a huge community-focused movement in IVCF. we're beginning to see a glimpse of the possible and potential opportunities God has for us to make an impact through the community we live in.

no one can make decisions for you. i'm not just talking about big decisions like whether or not you should transfer, where you should live next year, or what classes you should take. i'm talking about the attitude you have in making those big decisions, as well as the smaller, every-day decisions.

so when it comes down to making those decisions (both big and small), we're asking you to do two "i's":

take initiative.
and be intentional.

my pastor described the definition of "initiative" this way: you're aware of the needs around you and you care enough to do something about them. neither of those things can be without the other. you can be aware of the needs around you but not care enough to do something about it (i call that apathy...not one of my favorite things in the world), and you can care a lot about needs enough to do something about it, but may not necessarily be aware of what needs need to be fulfilled.

so take initiative. if you care enough about needs to do something about it, find out what the needs are. if you're aware and know what needs are around you, find a way to do something about it. God is constantly working and constantly moving in and through people and circumstances. He's got a plan and you're huge part of it.

so be intentional about your decisions. if you believe God has a purpose for your life, live like you believe it! take initiative with purprose and pure intentions.

imagine what God can do if we all take initiative and live intentionally in obedience to Him?

so what do "HTCHs" have to do with all of this? this hospitality team community ministry provides a huge opportunity where you could put into practice taking initiative and living intentionally.

HTCH = hospitality team community head.

they are the ones in charge of the hospitality environment of their community. they are the leaders in creating an inviting, welcoming, fun, and interesting environment for people to encounter God and build relationships.

but without followers, there are no leaders. these HTCHs understand and taken on the challenge of taking the initiative and living intentionally. and they could use your help in doing the same as they organize and plan events and activities such as community dinners and follow-up for their community.

so who are these HTCHs?

newing = sara ito
dickinson = michelle an
ciw = rachel goldberg
mountainview = may wu
off-campus = wesley yee

if you would like to help be the followers that these leaders need or just have more questions about your specific community, drop them an email and let them know.

susquehanna, hillside, and hinman currently do not have HTCHs. if you would like to help start up community activities or get involved somehow in these communities, email for more information.

if you are a small group leader, you are highly encouraged to actively participate and work with the HTCH in the community you are currently serving.

if you are a small group member, you are highly encouraged to attend the small group in your community.

if you attend a small group in a different community because of schedule conflicts, you are highly encouraged to stay active in the community you live in, although you are welcome to participate in your small group's community activities (if you have the time) in addition to your own living community's activities.

don't be surprised if you get an email from your HTCH quite soon!
if you have any other questions, leave a comment or email

Saturday, February 7, 2009

A message from the Small Group Coordinators

Transcript of the small group plug, spoken at large group on February 6, 2009:

Hello InterVarsity. My name is Matthew John Tuttle and I am the current Small Group Coordinator. My other, taller and more Chinese half is sitting over there, you may know him as Michael Leung. I know him as BFF. I am super excited to be able to stand before you today and talk about one of my favorite things ever. Small Group.

Father Matt just talked about the importance of Bible Study- something that’s vital for our growth as Christians and necessary if we really want to know who this God we worship is. Fr. Matt just explained to us that Scripture is God. It's God-breathed, and it equips us for every good work. In essence, we cannot live up to the name of “Christian” without understanding first who God is and what He’s done. Some of you are looking at me and shaking your head, saying, “Oh yeah, I just read the entire Old Testament last night. For fun. In Greek.” I don’t know. Some of us have grasped the concept of Scripture necessity. But for a lot of us, myself included, Scripture is not NEAR as high of a priority as it should be.

Just this week, I read WAY more than I cared to on subjects that aren’t nearly as life changing. Such subjects covered were Major Problems in Asian American History, psychoanalysis, and single subject research design. Was it interesting? Maybe. Am I a changed person? Hayyyyyck no. But the Bible isn’t like that. The Bible is God’s Word, it has eternal relevance, it speaks to all humankind, in every age and in every culture. If I spent half as much time reading the Bible this week as I did trying to figure out German grammar or whatever I was studying, well, I can’t even imagine what that’d look like.

Michael and I have done a lot of planning and praying and debating when it came to what we should do with small groups. We believe that small groups are the backbone of this fellowship. Large group is the face, what everyone sees, but small groups is what gives the fellowship structure, provides stability, and, in the same way the backbone houses the spine, small group facilitates one of the strongest venues of communication with our Heavenly Father. That’s why Mike and I believe that small groups is a huge deal; that’s why I’m standing before you today and asking you to participate in epicenter of radical life transformation and campus renewal.

After a lot of discussion and administrative tasks I don’t necessarily excel at, Mike and I, working with the E-Board, organized small groups in such a way that one is provided in every community. If you count Susquehanna and Hillside as one community. Sorry. We thought: How amazing would it be if we didn’t have to walk all the way across campus to attend our small group? Or—how great would it be if I could invite my roommate to the small group that’s happening in OUR building or OUR community. In the past, it’s seemed to be a free for all in deciding where we feel the most comfortable going to receive God’s word, or we’ve made decisions based on what leaders we would most like to learn from. This semester, why don’t we view small groups as less of just a service provided by IV, ensuring that we’re being fed with spiritual food, and instead as a means of realizing our vision not JUST in LH14 on Fridays, but throughout the week in our very communities, in our buildings, in our very halls.

There was a lot of prompting by the Holy Spirit in terms of our book choice this semester. After hours of discussion, countless emails, lengthy homework assignments involving reading a LOT of Scripture, and a bunch of impromptu interviews involving me holding a purple marker like a microphone, we decided to study the book of Nehemiah, in the Old Testament. We thought, here’s a guy, who saw a problem, saw a way he could honor God, mobilized a whole bunch of people, and brought radical and God-pleasing change to his people. What I want us to get out of Nehemiah is a realization of our campus’s need for God, a method for seeing God brought to our campus, a mobilization in our fellowship towards that goal, and radical and God-pleasing change. If you want to know more about what Nehemiah did, and how his actions can affect our actions today, I can say nothing else to you except that small groups are the place to be.

Small groups is more than a ministry made for getting our fellowship to sit in circles and on weekday nights to read uninteresting Scripture and make superficial or boring interpretations of what we read and how it applies to us. Small Group is a ministry devoted to diving into God’s word, pulling out meaning and significance, and making real, effective application to our lives. And doing it together, as the Body of Christ. Brothers and Sisters, I’m not standing up here to sell you my ministry. I’m standing here to implore you to take part in life-transformation, campus-renewal, and the development of world-changers.

Without further ado, I’d like to introduce the Spring 2009 small group leaders.

Spring 2009 Small Groups
▫ CIW Co-Ed
7pm, Oneida 3I02
Leaders: Karen ( and Will (
▫ Newing Co-Ed
7:30pm, Endicott Lounge
Leaders: Boaz ( and Keren (

▫ Mountainview Women’s
7pm, Hunter 422
Leaders: Samantha ( and Winnie (
▫ Susquehanna/Hillside Co-Ed
7:30pm, Brandywine 212
Leaders: Alan (, Meir ( and Pam (

▫ Dickinson Women’s
7pm, O’Connor Conference Room/Discovery Center
Leaders: Pam ( and Priscilla (
▫ Dickinson/Mountainview Men’s
7pm, Digman 214
Leader: Matt Tuttle (
▫ Hinman Co-Ed
7:30pm, Smith Study Lounge
Leaders: Glory (, Jason ( and Florence (

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

proper introductions

greetings, our fellow InterVarsity members!
we thought it might be nice to properly introduce the new members of our 2009 e-board.
here's what we've got to say:

administrator - tamaria (tammy) r. chan
hello, everyone! i'm excited to serve as your new administrator this year. i'm already starting to feel the weight of the mountain-load of administrative duties that i know will only get heavier as the year goes on, but it's a challenge from God that i'm willing take on. i realize He's been teaching me so much and has been shaping my character in a way i never thought i'd be molded in preparation for placing the e-board administrator position in my hands. so i know that He'll continue to work in me and through me as i serve Him and serve all of you. however, because i am a work in progress, i hope you'll all be patient with me and try to keep me accountable for my actions and words as i know i am not perfect and will make mistakes. i could always use constructive feedback, fresh ideas, and a good push in the right direction. i am not above any of you because as a fellowship we serve our God together. i can't do anything without God and i can't do anything well without all of you coming alongside of me as a partner.

some fun facts about tammy:
-i really enjoy having company over!
-i am going to try to keep the cookie jar in my room filled with goodies
(not this week, though)
-i've always wanted to write and publish a novel.
-i once took a bite of a sugar daddy candy and took it out of my mouth to find a loose tooth suddenly freed from my gums and attached to the candy.
-i really like blogging.

small group coordinator - matthew j. tuttle
Hallo! Wie geht es euch? I am Matthew Tuttle and I am super stoked to serve as your Small Group Coordinator! Small Groups have been a huge part of my spiritual growth since I came to Binghamton, so it feels awesome to be able to give back and serve my brothers and sisters in the same way I have been served. I have led small groups for two semesters, my first being a men's group (with my current SGC partner) in CIW and my second being a co-ed group in Newing last semester. (I will be leading again this semester.) I've have gained invaluable experience, had a lot of fun, and not stopped learning since I began leading. God has been faithful in teaching me, inspiring me, and convicting me, and I have done my best to remain faithful to His call.

some fun facts about Tuttle:
-I blog more than tammy does :
-I am not as obsessed with high school musical as people think i am.
-I have four sisters with 20 years between the youngest and oldest.
-I have never met anyone famous. Except for Greg Jao.
-My secret dream job is celebrity blogger.

small group coordinator - michael leung
whoa whoa whoa. My name's Mike as you guys can all read above. I'll also be serving as a Small Group Coordinator in conjunction with Matt this year. I've been super excited for the direction that God is leading our fellowship for this upcoming year. One of my favorite things about small groups is that its a medium for which college students can meet together to discuss spiritual issues and biblical passages with one another in an environment that challenges members to take further steps in their faith. The small group ministry has been an invaluable place where I was able to grow more in my faith in a community that shared Christ's love. I also found that my learning experiences have multiplied exponentially since I started leading small groups (so if any of you want to grow your faith, consider small groups!). I'd love to have a conversation with you guys at any time, so please feel free to just talk to me whenever you see me.

some fun facts about mike leung:
-i'm still scared of the dark (basements, attics, and empty floors are a no-go)
-i rarely drive 5 mph more than the speed limit ('cause i'm paranoid)
-my comfort food is ramen (preferably the korean kinds)
-i really don't like blogging (don't expect too many posts written by me alone)
-i don't watch tv (the one in my dorm room is put to waste)

large group coordinator - gary chow
Hi guys! So... i'm the large group coordinator. What i envision for large groups this semester is a place where newcomers feel welcome and community is built but most importantly, a place where people feel challenged every week. i envision people always leaving one step closer to God than when they came in. We will be focusing on "The Core of Christianity" this semester so i really hope people learn to build a strong foundation. This semester, i'm working with awesome large group committee so i'm really, REALLY excited to see what this we can do this semester. =]

some fun facts about gary chow:
-I really don't like to blog...but i have one
- I enjoy commercials more than other people (The rollover "milky" minutes...HILARIOUS)
-After I graduate, i'm going to try out for American Idol
-I am a very neat eater. I prepare my food before eating it...which is why i eat slowly
-Weirdest nicknames ever? Chowderpuff or Quanell