Karen Ching, our prayer coordinator once said, “God is so distracting.”
This statement is so true.
When she is distracted with her love for prayer, I can’t stop sharing God’s love. But I only got to this point because He’s been doing some major surgery on my heart.
I really felt like I wasted last semester: I let myself get comfortable. I put God in a box.
But, coming into this semester after Urbana, I was renewed and changed. I am amazed at His love for us. Not just for me, but for EVERYONE! I was slapped in the face when God revealed His heart for Binghamton University. It might seem bold or unrealistic, but I am 100% convinced that God will revive our campus and I knew I had to do my small part.
So coming back on campus, I realized how much God wanted my suitemates to draw closer to Him. I am developing great and long lasting relationships with them. Not only that, but I started a PIG (Person Investigating God) and have had some of the most wonderful conversations with these individuals.
It has been so encouraging to see people in our fellowship stripping away their selfishness and following Jesus even when it’s uncomfortable. God has been so prevalent in the relationships around me. For example, I will be living with two of Sarah Dill’s current suitemates next semester. The crazy thing is, I had no idea! I am so excited to see God’s fingerprints all over the place.
Something that I have been convicted by is how God blesses obedience.
There was a big turnaround from last semester to this semester, and I am having the time of my life. So I encourage y’all, to be bold! God bless. Try it out - what do you have to lose? I thought I would lose my comfort...instead, God gave me PWESENTS!
1 comment:
It's so true what you say about how God blesses obedience. I went to a leadership conference and the one of the speakers was the founder was its founder. He said that this whole conference exists because he listened to a whisper from God that said two words: Serve Pastors. Now this conference blesses all people worldwide. God definitely used it to bless me. I thought to myself "If Bill Hybels had not listened to what God told him to do, I'd be missing this blessing from my life." Amazing the way that obedience will change lives!
Also, to what you said about being bold, I have an issue with that. At the conference, God told me "Do not fear the world." And now God is following up on that statement by asking me, "What do you have to lose Janell?"
Please pray that God will continue to speak to me and urge me to serve Him totally!
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