Saturday, February 13, 2010

Why Basileia? (Tammy)

Someone from our fellowship asked me online the other day if I was going to Basileia, the upcoming InterVarsity conference in the summer.

I told him that I believed Basileia was a foundational means of how God has opened my heart and my eyes throughout my time here at Binghamton thus far. Ever since going to Basileia my freshman year, I've been a big fan of IVCF fact, I get really excited anticipating their arrivals, and I get more excited when I leave them.

What other kind of conferences or retreats do you attend that you leave being more excited than before or during your actual experience?

Usually we get disappointed when the end of those kinds of trips comes because you want to stay in that place of solitude, peace, comfort and fun. But that's not where the growth happens.

Growth happens when you walk down from that mountaintop into the dark valley following God's direction to climb up the next mountain, when you're challenged to move from your temptation to remain complacent, stagnant, and satisfied.

Conferences and retreats like Basileia, Urbana, and Expedition help prepare us with the right tools for the inevitable valleys and the mountain climbs that we will face on our journeys with Him. They also create an opportunity where God can open our blind eyes to see what He sees and calls us to then "Get up, take your mat, and walk," right now. These conferences help us's where we're going and here's how we can get there, so what is your next step?

I enjoy attending conferences like Basileia for a number of reasons:
  • I get to see that our mission as InterVarsity is not limited to our campus. Visually experiencing how other students from other campuses are empowered by God to carry out the same mission in a different university is something you cannot be told but must see for yourself. We are not alone in the great commission.
  • I am equipped with seeds of ideas, tools for efficacy, and motivation to go out and learn what part God has designed just for me in His bigger plan not by sitting and listening, but by practicing and doing.
  • I have the privilege to see God at work in others' lives, especially those within our own chapter, as we may walk on different paths but strive to move together in the same direction.
  • It's fun, relaxing, and peaceful. You can meet new people from other schools, and you bond with people from our own chapter in a way you've never done before. There are fun things to do, and the Saranac Village campground is just a beautiful place to enjoy God's blessings of creation and rest.

Others who have participated may have other reasons - don't be afraid to ask them.

But I'm not telling you these things to hype it up, nag you to go, or make you feel guilty if you decide not to. I and many others who have gone before want to invite you to experience God moving through you the way we've seen God move through our own lives. We don't want to keep the goodness to ourselves - we want to share it with you.

It's not too early to think about it. There are lots of other schools that are registering, so there are limited spaces, especially with the Work Crew track that gives you a $200 if you stay an extra five days.

So I invite you to pray about it, ask questions (leave a comment), read about it, start setting aside funds for it, and/or register today (Week 1: May 15th-20th).

We would love to see you there. I can't wait to see how God will meet you where you are and walk alongside you in this journey you have with Him.

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